Leadership, Management and Quality Policy
❖To disseminate the culture of quality assurance towards the mission, vision, set goals and internationalization at Karabük University.
❖ To maintain leadership approaches in a way that supports the development of quality assurance culture.
❖ Applying the PDCA (Planning-Implementation-Controlling-Precaution) cycle to management processes.
❖ To base quality assurance studies on the Quality Policy principles announced by the university.
❖ To ensure harmony between students and the university and cultural interaction between students.
❖ To improve the academic working and education conditions of faculty members.
❖To ensure that academic and administrative staff embrace quality processes and see quality as one of their basic duties.
❖ To ensure that external stakeholders adopt the quality assurance culture.
❖ To ensure that all activities at Karabük University are planned and implemented in accordance with the Strategic Plan.
❖ To ensure that all processes at Karabük University are carried out in accordance with ethical principles and job descriptions.
❖ Adhering to the core values in the Strategic Plan; To adopt a management policy that uses resources effectively, economically and efficiently.
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